victoria fine foods
Upon taking over Victoria Fine Foods' social media account, fan love grew exponentially – reaching over 5 million food enthusiasts. With invigorating and fresh content served monthly by our team of in-house photographers and designers, we immediately grew the platform from 300 to 3,000 followers. Post engagement and outreach also increased by securing over 400 Influencer partnership that helped turn a Brooklyn-based company into a national brand. Let's not forget the special mention from Rachael Ray awarding Victoria Marinara as the second "Best Store-Bought Marinara." It isn't hard to fall in love with a brand that uses fresh ingredients for their specialty Italian sauces and condiments.
Role: Storyboard Development, Source Music, Oversee Video Editing, Content Creation, Photography
CD - Art: Brad Eisenstein, Jr. AD: Suepriya Sabwarhal
Photographers: Jacqueline Ganz & Mabel Tsang (Social Media)