Palmer's Cocoa Butter
"Jar 101"
Palmer's is a household brand – most commonly known for Cocoa Butter. One of Palmer's oldest products is the original solid Cocoa Butter Jar – an intensely rich formula that is multi-purpose. To educate consumers and bring awareness back to the once popular jar formula, the concept of "Jar 101" was created. Developed a list of 101 uses for the product and launched the campaign globally with TV, Web, Social, OOH advertising. Leveraging its unique cylindrical shape, a visual device was formed where the product replaced the "0" within any branded lock-up for maximum impact and product recognition.
Role: Concept, Design, Script & Storyboard Development, On-Set Art Direction, Oversee Retouching, Post-Production Editing (TV)
CD - Art & Copy: Brad Eisenstein
Production: Footage Films
Talent: Maeve, Epiphany, Ekaterina, Karaj, Brody the Dog (@artieandbrody), Lyubov (@lyubilyubov), Keanda (@keys_rebelle), Kristina (@kristina.manners)
social videos for organic posting
website header
"Cocoa butter 101"
The successful launch of Jar 101 spearheaded the evolution of the campaign to span across Palmer's Cocoa Butter Formula Body Lotion and Body Oil. We re-invented the list of 101 use cases for broader appeal by incorporating fun hacks, facts, and tips. Materials used globally in the UK, India, South Africa and Australia.
Palmer's shifted their primary needs to e-commerce a few years ago. While their products are still sold in brick and mortar shops, their expansion into online retailers like Amazon, Walmart and Target made a significant impact on sales by reaching a wider audience and offering more flexibility in how consumers receive their packaged goods. This was also a smart strategic move since foot traffic remained low during the worldwide pandemic. Each collection was carefully curated with extensive in-house still-life photography and the use of Influencer Outreach Programs to build a library of images for core products.
Role: Design, Art Direction, Copywriter
Palmer's Platinum
Following the launch of a premium pregnancy facial care collection from Palmer's Asia market, our agency was tasked with developing materials for an upcoming launch in the U.S. market. Exploratory and executional design direction include: UX/UI Web Design, E-Comm, Icon Development, Beauty/Photography Moodboard, Competitive Research, Influencer Outreach Program
Role: Design, Art Direction